The Netherlands Belgium

Privacy statement

Why this privacy statement?

As of May 25, 2018, the new European Privacy Act is in effect. We continue to handle the processing of personal data with care and would like to inform you clearly and transparently about this. We have brought our privacy statements in line with the new rules.

If you choose to provide us with information voluntarily, we will use this information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Bikeshift B.V., is convinced that the personal privacy of its candidates, flex workers, employees, as well as its other relations and visitors to the website is of essential importance. Personal data is therefore handled with the utmost care and security, in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act (WBP).

Who is responsible for your personal data?

Bikeshift is the responsible party within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act and - as of 25 May 2018 - the General Data Protection Regulation. Below you will find Bikeshift's contact details.

When we talk about Bikeshift we are talking about the legal entity Bikeshift Nederland B.V., registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 84369795.

For what purposes does Bikeshift collect your personal data?
In general, we only collect and process your data for the execution of our tasks as an employment and secondment agency, such as mediation, temporary employment, payroll, mediation of freelancers, recruitment & selection, personal development and employability, salary administration and personnel management. More specifically, we ask you to share your personal data with us for the following purposes, among others:
To enter into and maintain an employee/employer relationship with you or a personnel/employment relationship and to administer a financial, personnel, hours, absence and/or salary administration for this purpose.
To enter into and maintain a relationship aimed at acquiring/executing assignments and to keep a financial administration for this.
To assess your suitability for a particular position or assignment, to record your availability and to bring you into contact with or introduce you to one or more (potential) clients and/or relations.
In order to mediate for you, to offer you career advice and/or other (work-related) services, including training courses, to deploy you with clients, to have you carry out work with clients, or to arrange assignments for you.
To be able to conclude agreements with you, our client(s) and/or relations and to carry them out and comply with them.
To inform you about our services and our other activities in order to match them better with your wishes and qualities (for example sending you a vacancy alert).
For management purposes and the generation of management information and reports, the performance of market analyses, (internal and external) controls, audits and accountancy and the promotion and maintenance of our quality and corporate security.
To be able to give you access to and use of our private web environment with your own account
To be able to comply with applicable laws and regulations and/or apply for subsidies and premium discounts, for example the identification or payment of taxes and social contributions
To comply with legal reintegration obligations and to fulfill the assignment of the government to help people with a distance to the labor market to work
To be able to send you personal messages that match your personal interests, based on the information you have shared with us and the information we have collected through cookies or similar techniques about your use of Bikeshift's websites/social media/blogs
To improve our products and services (including through our website and the private web environment) or to solve (technical) problems when using the website or Bikeshift's services.

We process your personal data only for the purposes listed above. If we use your data for other (closely related) purposes, we will inform you in accordance with the law and take the necessary measures.

On what legal grounds may we collect your data?

We process your personal data:

Because this is necessary for the performance of a contract or to take measures to conclude such a contract. For example, the conclusion of an employment contract.
Because this is necessary to comply with legal obligations. Think for example of the payment of taxes or the implementation of absenteeism legislation in the context of employment
Because you (if applicable) have given permission for this. Given consent can be withdrawn at any time
On the basis of our legitimate business interests to the extent permitted by law and your privacy
Where and when do we collect personal data?

You can share your personal data with Bikeshift in several ways, such as:

Registering you for work at one of our locations
Registering on our website
Applying for a job through our website
Entering into an employment agreement with us
Communicating with Bikeshift about a service, such as questions you have asked us or requests you have made
Contacting one of Bikeshift's employees by email, phone or in writing
Participating in a social media activity (for example, by clicking 'Like' or 'Share') or signing up via your social media account
Subscribing to a newsletter or job alert from Bikeshift
To voluntarily participate in surveys or take part in an action, game or contest
Cookies that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit our websites
What data do we collect?

When you register with us, we collect the following data:

Name, address, email address, telephone and other contact details
Date of birth, place of birth
Your work experience and education
References or testimonials (and a copy of your driver's license, if applicable)
Your motivation
Marital status
Bank account number
Photo or video (on a voluntary basis)

From the moment you start working for us:

Certificate of good conduct
Copy of ID, work permit
Other data required for personnel, salary and absence registration
Company details (self-employed)
Login data personal account

Depending on the preferences you have set on various social media sites, and your settings on behalf of our site, certain personal information may be shared with Bikeshift, for example about your online activities and social media profiles.

What personal data of business relations do we process?

We also process personal data from business relationships. This typically involves the contact details of employees of clients, suppliers, vendors, referees and other entities with which Bikeshift maintains a business relationship. This usually concerns the names, contact details and positions of contact persons with the aim of making offers about services and other activities, maintaining the business relationship and/or entering into an assignment agreement.

What special personal data do we process?

We only process special personal data if this is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, insofar as consent has been given to do so, or if this is otherwise permitted by or under the law. The term 'special personal data' refers to information about race, religion, political persuasion, health, sexual life, trade union membership or criminal record.

We advise you not to include any special personal data on the CV you provide or upload. This includes, for example, your BSN, information about your origin or health, or information about your criminal record. Despite this, it may happen that such data provided by you on a voluntary basis is processed by us. Bikeshift ensures that only those people have access to this data who need it to carry out their work.

With whom do we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data with service providers, business partners (such as customers, clients) and other third parties (such as tax authorities, insurers, the UWV or occupational health and safety services), in accordance with the applicable legislation. Sometimes Bikeshift offers a service in cooperation with another company (business partner). If your approval is required by law or Bikeshift believes your approval is appropriate, Bikeshift will always seek your approval before sharing your personal data. As a general rule, Bikeshift will only disclose personal data in accordance with this privacy statement and/or if required by law. In the event that Bikeshift sells (part of) its business, this transfer may also include the transfer of your personal data related to that business to the new owner.

Bikeshift may store your personal data in a cloud. This means that your personal data may be processed and stored by a cloud service provider on behalf of Bikeshift. Bikeshift has taken organizational and contractual measures to protect your personal data and to impose security and privacy requirements on our cloud service providers, including the requirement that your personal data be processed only for the purposes listed above.

How long do we keep your data?

We do not keep your data longer than is necessary for the purpose for which we collected it. In doing so, we take into account any statutory retention periods, for example for the benefit of the tax authorities (tax authorities).

What rights do you have?

We expect you to keep your data up to date yourself. You can pass on changes via your contact person, by logging into your profile or by passing on your changes via

If you do not want Bikeshift to send you personal offers or information, you can let Bikeshift know through your contact person or by sending a reply to the emails you receive. You can also unsubscribe via My Bikeshift on the website.

We would also like to inform you of your legal rights of access, correction, deletion and restriction. Requests for correction can be sent to your contact person. You can submit other requests via the contact details below. We will respond to your request within 4 weeks.

What cookies do we use?

This website uses cookies and stores technical information. Cookies are small information files that a website leaves on your device (e.g. computer or smartphone). This concerns for example:

IP address of the visitor
Date and time of the visit
URL of the referring site (the site from which the visitor comes)
The pages visited on our website
Information about the browser used (type and version, operating system, etc.)

Technical information and cookies are used by us to facilitate your visit to the website(s), improve the performance and user experience and increase the relevance of the offerings on this website(s). Cookies can be placed both by us and by other parties with whom we work.

Below you will find an overview of the different types of cookies used.

Functional cookies:
These are cookies that are necessary for the website to function properly and provide a requested service. These cookies are used to save certain user and preference settings, to save any login details, and to optimize the user-friendliness of the website. Temporary data is stored to display pages faster and to see if a user is logged in.

Analytical cookies:
These cookies are used to collect information about the use of the website. The software of Google Analytics, among others, is used for this purpose. This records, among other things, the number of website visitors, the pages visited and the duration of their stay. The collected data is used to improve the service and to optimally adapt the content of the website to the wishes and needs of the users.

Tracking or advertising cookies:
Tracking cookies are cookies that collect data on the (internet) behavior of the user of the website. These tracking cookies are used to enable the user to make optimal use of our website. For example, these cookies are used to record information about the visit so that relevant information can be used on a subsequent visit for the convenience of the user, for example by already filling in forms or offering advertisements or jobs that match the (search) profile of the user.

As you can see, it is convenient for you to work with cookies. But if you object to the use of cookies you can also remove them yourself from your PC. For more information see for example: or via the privacy settings of your mobile device.

On this website you can share information via social media, using the available social media buttons. By clicking on these buttons you will be redirected to the website of the relevant third party. For the use of cookies from these parties we refer to the information on the websites of these third parties.
Links may be used on our website that lead to third party sites, which are therefore not managed by Bikeshift. We point out that we are not responsible for the content, use or privacy policy of these sites.

How do we secure the processing of personal data?

Bikeshift does everything possible to protect the personal data you provide against unlawful use, loss, or unauthorized access. To this end, Bikeshift uses various physical, administrative, organizational and technical measures, applying access control, firewalls and secure servers, and encryption of certain types of data, such as financial information and other sensitive data.

What to do in the event of a data breach?

As of January 1, 2016, there is an amended legal regulation regarding the reporting of data breaches. If you suspect a data breach, please report it immediately using the contact details below.


The text of this privacy statement is from May 2018. Any new versions will be published on our website.

Questions, comments, complaints?

If you have any questions, comments or complaints about how Bikeshift handles your personal data, you can contact us by post or email.

Bikeshift Nederland B.V.
Zeestraat 66
2518 AC The Hague
(070) 2002 530